Monday, April 28, 2014

How to Pair Beer With Mexican Food

I get the weekly newsletter for and this week they featured an article about pairing beer with Mexican food.  And of course, these are a few of my favorite things.

There is some good advice here.  In general, these same pairings suggestions would work with other ethnic food.

How to Pair Beer With Mexican Food

The overall winning beer to pair with Mexican food? Negra Modello, a nice vienna lager style beer and one of my go to Mexican beers!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How To Drink All Night Without Getting Drunk

When I saw an article titled How To Drink All Night Without Getting Drunk, I had to read it.

How does one do that you might ask?  Well, according to Jim Koch you just do the following:

Koch told me that for years he has swallowed your standard Fleischmann’s dry yeast before he drinks, stirring the white powdery substance in with some yogurt to make it more palatable.

“One teaspoon per beer, right before you start drinking.”

He’d learned the trick from his good friend “Dr. Joe,” a craft beer legend in his own right.  Educated at Harvard with a troika of degrees (a BA, a JD, and an MBA), Koch is no slouch, but the late-Joseph Owades was a flat-out genius. With a PhD in biochemistry from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and an early job in the fermentation sciences department at Fleischmann’s, Owades probably knew more about fermentation and alcohol metabolism than perhaps any man who has ever lived. Koch calls him, in fact, “The best brewer who’s ever lived.” He used that immense knowledge to eventually become a consultant for most of the progenitors of America’s early craft brewing movement such as Anchor Brewing in San Francisco, New Amsterdam Brewing in New York, and, yes, the Boston Beer Company.

This sounds interesting and I will be trying to see how it works.

I did see one other trick done by Erik Ogershok, the head brewer at Real Ale.  He was drinking beer, and then spitting into another glass.  Much like wine drinkers.  I can see a place for this, perhaps on a more limited basis.  Especially for beers that don't get you excited.

Do you have any tricks to avoid getting drunk? Well, other than NOT drinking?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

23 Things Homebrewers Are Tired Of Hearing

A friend mine Jess C. posted this on Facebook today.  Made me laugh so I thought I would share!

23 Things Homebrewers Are Tired Of Hearing

Of course, my response had to be ... Is it ready yet?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Social Media Explained with Beer

I was sent a similar list, but this is the graphic I found online.  What I found interesting is that the social media used by beer drinkers, Untappd, isn't in the list!  Still, it is a funny way to see how the various social media are used.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

8 of the World's Most Phenomenally Nerdy Beers

I saw this article about the 8 of the World's Most Phenomenally Nerdy Beers.  The only beer in the list I have had are 2 of the 3 beers from the Games of Thrones series by Ommegang Brewery.

When you read the article, also check out the comments about other "nerdy" beers.

Do you drink any nerdy beers?  Since I am a beer knurd, perhaps they are all knurdy? :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

8 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately

I saw this article that Kevin B. posted to his Facebook feed.  Most of it isn't very shocking.

8 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately

What I found interesting was that Guinness uses HFCS.  The fish swim bladder for clarity is a fairly common practice I believe.  What is used is called Isinglass and is made from fish swim bladders.

For the GMO corn, no surprise.  All the big American brewers use adjuncts in their beer to keep costs down.  Rice and corn or the two biggest used adjuncts.  Corn is heavily subsidized in this country and controlled very much by the likes of Monsanto and ADM.  So, of course they are GMO.  Why do you think those beers are so cheap?  Or relatively so.

None of this stuff will kill you right away, but perhaps it will make you think about what you are drinking!

Drink craft and drink local!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Well We Did It

Our first batch - an Amber Ale - is pretty tasty.  It sort of blows my mind that we made a's like learning that you can make a chocolate cake.

Spoiler Alert, Reverend.  Here it is:

Sofa Bee Amber Ale from Game 6 Brewing.

You're welcome.