Thursday, December 6, 2012

Parade of Darks

One of our favorite local brewpubs, Wynkoop Brewery (also a pretty good restaurant) hosted a beer festival this past weekend featuring a parade of dark beers. Here's a list of breweries that participated and some tasting notes for your reading pleasure.

Arvada Beer Co.
Jolly Holiday Ale - a tasty, winter spice-driven ale. Delicious. Especially when combined with Twisted Pine's Pearl Street know I love chemistry!
Foreign to Me Stout - big, bold, Guinness-esq.

Avery Brewing
The Czar
Old Jubilation
Out of Bounds Stout - big coffee flavor without too much alcohol (a favorite component of Avery)

AC Golden
Blueberry Sour - Joe tried this and made a face
Plum Sour - a girl in front of us commented "That's just nasty!" as she dumped the remainder of her tasting glass into the spit bucket.

Bootstrap Brewing
Worthog Stout - a little on the light side with not much to it.
Boomer Brown - Joe had this one and liked it

Boulevard Brewing
Bully! Porter - I've had this one before...a very nice, robust porter
Dark Truth Stout - deep plums, prunes, dark fruit, warm alcohol...sneaks up on you

Breckenridge Brewery
Oatmeal Stout - their BBQ joint makes their sauce out of this stuff...sooooo gooooood
Vanilla Porter - I have a hard/fast rule about this beer: Never. Never in the bottle. Never.
Extra ESB
Christmas Ale - a lovely little beverage...good caramel-y brown ale

Bull & Bush
Big Ben Brown Ale - a fine exemplar of the style
Stonehenge Stout - I got a huge taste of briquette from this...ick.
Punk Up The Yams - a tasty seasonal warmer
The Legend Of The Liquid Brain - I had such high hopes for this, but it was more like taking medicine...Ack.
Captain Funk
Captain Midnight

Caution Brewing
Toaster Bat Black Smoked Porter - it tasted like someone shaved a lump of coal into the thanks
Dunkel(er)Weiss - sweet malty dunkel. yum!

Copper Kettle
Mexican Chocolate Stout - like Mexican Hot Chocolate in a beer. Please, sir, may I have some more?
Pumpkin Porter - lovely, spicy pumpkin porter...not much of a kick, but good

Denver Beer Co. (editor's note: I don't really like many of their beers)
Graham Cracker Porter - while it sounds really good, it's not much to write home about.
Chill Out Chocolate Chili Stout - they just try too, but no flavor

Dry Dock Brewing (we visited their tasting room on Friday and had their Roasted Marshmallow Sweet Potato Stout...hard to top.)
Wee Heavy Strong Scotch Ale
Raspberry Porter

Elevation Brewing
Apis - a quad made with caramelized Colorado honey. good god.
Lil Mo Porter - another fairly lightweight porter

Firestone Walker
Velvet Merlin Oatmeal Stout - smooth, creamy, yummy...very well done
Walker's Reserve Porter - full of toffee and bittersweet chocolate
DBA - double barrel aged barley wine

Fort Collins Brewery
Double Chocolate Stout - had it before, and I had it again. Rockin'!

Great Divide
Yeti Imperial Stout - Big. Big. Stout
Espresso Oak Aged Yeti
Claymore Scotch Ale

Green Flash
Double Stout - meh

Grimm Brothers Brewing
Master Thief German Porter - too hoppy for me, but Joe liked it
Fearless Youth Dunkel
Riffraff Dunkleweisse

Jolly Pumpkin
Bam Noir - an uber lightweight dark farmhouse ale...tasted more cocoa powder than yummy chocolate notes.

Left Hand (love this stuff)
Fade to Black
Milk Stout

Lone Tree Brewing
Acres O Green Irish Red
Toots' Full-bodied Oatmeal Stout - darn good oatmeal stout, but I've had better
Chili Beer Collaboration #2
Old #99 Rauchbier

Lost Abbey
Judgment Day

Maui Brewing
Coconut Porter - Joe loves this, not so much...I'm not big on coconut

Mountain Sun Brewery & Pub
Megatron Imperial Stout - Joe liked this one...big hop finish
Oatimus Prime Imperial Stout - this is one of those better oatmeal stouts!

Odell Brewing
Mountain Standard
Isolation Ale

Three Philosophers - ahhh, the classics!

Port Brewing
Old Viscosity - motor oil pour, cold

Prost Brewing
Doppelbach - a fine exemplar of the style

Pug Ryan's
Brain-teaser Barleywine
Barrel-Aged Leap Year Trifecta

Sierra Nevada
Narwhal Imperial Stout - overpowering alcohol...rubbing alcohol
Wine Barrel Aged Dubbel

Steel Toe Stout - big fat-bottomed stout, tasty, but kind of a nothing finish
Nefarious Ten Pin - love this beer - dark rich flavors, nice alcohol touch
On The Sly Again

Strange Brewing
Pumpkin Porter - the best pumpkin of the bunch on this day
Cherry Bomb Stout - I liked it, but I wanted a piece of chocolate to go with it
Gingerbread Man - loads, loads and loads of ginger...dare I say, too much?
Vanilla Rum Porter - now you're talking my language

Twisted Pine
Espresso Stout
Honey Brown
Pearl Street Porter - this is the one that mixes nicely with Arvada's Holiday Ale

Upslope Brewing
Christmas Ale - one of my favorites - currently in my fridge
Brown Ale - their flagship ale

Wynkoop Brewing
Gingerbread Stout
2012 Barleywine
Cowtown Milk Stout
B3K Black Lager
Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout - yes, it's brewed with rocky mountain oysters - and, yes, it's very, very good.
Colorojo Double Red

I love a parade!

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