Monday, December 7, 2015

Saison ... Well,DOH!

One of my favorite styles of beer is called a saison. Recently I asked what it was, and my response was a rustic farmhouse ale brewed for the farm workers. Then today, I found a nice article that saison was defined by when it was brewed. That got me to thinking and a small amount of research indicated saison is French for season. Well, now a resounding DOH! .  Makes sense, at the farm, the winter is a down time, you can lager (store) your beer at a lower temperature naturally.  When you let the wort cool in the barn, you get all sorts of fun yeasts. It made me think and then made me want to share my new found knowledge!!

What Makes a Saison a Saison?

Educational article and worthy of a read.  Now, I just wish I had a saison in my fridge to enjoy. DOH!!

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