Saturday, September 24, 2016

What ‘Selling Out’ Is Actually About

I received an email from and one of the articles was titled, "What ‘Selling Out’ Is Actually About". I am interested because I am NOT in the industry, rather I am on the outside drinking in!

The article is written by Jacob McKean from Modern Times Beer, a brewery in San Diego.

Even I could have told you some of the claims from big beer were just BS, but couldn't have articulated it as well, nor had the knowledge to give good examples. But, even I thought one of the claims was legit and now know differently, again, insider knowledge goes a long way!

One of our local (well, local to the greater DFW area) breweries, Revolver Brewing, just recently sold out to Miller Coors. I am hopeful that they stay true to their craft beer roots, but only time will tell. My take, again, just as a fan and beer knurd, is that Miller Coors bought them for Blood and Honey, the bread and butter beer for Revolver.

What are your thoughts on craft brewers selling out?

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