Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Finally!  I've got a website that serves as a repository for all my favorite things: beer, travel, cooking, and random thoughts (I have soooo many).


Check it out!

But, hey, this is the beer blog...so here's a beer story:  Today was the opening pre-sale day for the Great American Beer Fest!  Joe and I have tickets in hand for Thursday and Friday.

We've been to the GABF four times (2012-2015), but didn't go last year because we were renovating our new house and getting ready to move in; there was just way too much going on.  But we're back in the saddle this year, and I can't wait - 850 breweries and 3800 beers!

Clearly the GABF is one of - if not THE - largest beer fests in the world.  It's a crazy maze of brewers from all over the country, sprinkled with a few international brews, to offer an unsurpassed beer experience.  Tasting, brewing, and cooking classes are offered, you can attend the awards ceremony, shop in the bookstore or from the giant merchandise wall, you'll meet brewers, and, of course, taste amazing beer.  My favorite memory is from 2016 when Adam Avery, himself, handed me my pour of PumpKYn.  Awesome!

Two things:  If you want to go, the public sale starts tomorrow on Ticketmaster at 10:00am MDT. Tickets sold out last year in under an hour.  If you want to go next year, join the American Homebrewers Association.  AHA is the host for the party, and if you join (you don't actually have to be a homebrewer, but if you are, they're a great resource) you get advance sales to the GABF.  That's reason enough for me!

I'll be sure to report back on the fest.  In the meantime, Cheers!!

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