Friday, December 17, 2010

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...The Real Reason For This Post

Yay, the Reverend drank 200 beers.  Yay, he's gettin' a plate at the Saucer.  Yay, we partied on his tab last night.  But here's the real reason for this post: a new beer we discovered last night.  Harpoon Chocolate Stout.
Holy Crap!  If you like rich dark chocolate this is the beer for you.  It's described as having a hint of chocolate, but it's more like a hint of beer.  This is an amazing concoction.  Not forever after my favorite beer, and certainly not a session beer, but OMG you should not miss out on this seasonal from Harpoon. 

It pours almost black with very little head.  Immediately you can smell the chocolate, and WHAM it's in your face with the first sip.  Who cares about finish or mouthfeel?  This is one tasty beverage.  It's just under 6% abv, so it's not as stout-y as most.  But after a deep hearty quaff, you may feel the need to wipe the melted chocolate off your chin. 

So very good, I had two (even though only one counted toward my next plate).  Oh, and, thanks, Rev!

1 comment:

  1. You are so very welcome for the beer! I can't add much to that description of Harpoon's Chocolate Stout, except that instead of a hint of chocolate, it is like being slapped upside the head ... but in a good way. And the chocolate ain't no milk chocolate baby, but tastes like dark chocolate ... oh yeah!!
