Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brewery #2 - BUST

I thought Storm Brewing (formerly known as Fresh Water Brewing) was in Carbonear, Newfoundland. We rode through town and saw nothing. I asked a guy on the street and he had never heard of it. Our waiter at the diner in town suggested I look in Fresh Water, Newfoundland. Finally, we met another local (a firefighter) who knew it was gone.

I went back to the website and found it has since moved to Mount Pearl and they don't do tours.

Unibroue - BUST, Storm Brewing - BUST.

All I have left now is Allagash in Portland, Maine.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ontario Beer

We stopped for dinner at a place called Smitty's. By the door when we entered was a sign, ask about Seelman beers and malts. So, I did :)

Had a Seelman Dark. Not too bad. Nice color and a bit of hops flavor. It is very balanced. I just liked I had a local Canadian brew!

Monday, July 25, 2011

So Close ... And Yet So Very Far Away

On my trip, I went past the cities for 4 Flying Saucers and didn't stop at even one. It was a sad day :(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beer-B-Que Beers Redux

Last Sunday they had a Beer-B-Que celebration at the Flying Saucer in Addison. One of the managers, Josh, grilled up a some pork loins, chicken and andoui sausage. On top of that they tapped 12 great beers, two every hour. If you are an avid reader, you may have heard that you have to drink 200 different beers to earn a plate at the Flying Saucer. But, they limit you to 3 per day. So, I don't drink more than 3. I had to plan the beers I wanted most along with the period of time I wanted to hang out. I enjoyed Brooklyn Main Engine Start, Avery 18 and Saint Arnold Bourbon Barrel Stout.

I noticed today that they still had most of the beers that were tapped. So, I had to go and enjoy a few that I missed. Today I enjoyed Lagunitas Fusion VI, New Belgium Grand Cru and finally, Avery Samael. The Samael comes in at at 16.45% ABV, so it is served in a small snifter. It is expensive, but OH SO TASTY!

OK, so it was less of a redux and more of an extension of the Beer-B-Que because I enjoyed different beers, but what the hell, it was a good time AND you can't beat a beer buzz from GREAT beer :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

UFO Second Plate Party

After taking just over two years to get my first plate at Flying Saucer, it took only 6 months to get my second. I had to laugh when I showed up for my party and they had the totally wrong name on the reserved sign. Our server, Shaina, quickly took the sign away and brought out my plate. I asked her to please bring back the wrong sign, because we wanted to have some fun. There were many "Joe Marh is a son-of-a-bitch" toasts involved.

Oh yeah, if you don't know about the beerknurd program at the Flying Saucer, you have to drink 200 different beers to get a plate on the wall. Once you do, you get a $100 tab for a party with your friends. Each plate has a different color inside to denote how many plates you have earned. Thus the yellow for plate two.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011