Sunday, July 10, 2011

UFO Second Plate Party

After taking just over two years to get my first plate at Flying Saucer, it took only 6 months to get my second. I had to laugh when I showed up for my party and they had the totally wrong name on the reserved sign. Our server, Shaina, quickly took the sign away and brought out my plate. I asked her to please bring back the wrong sign, because we wanted to have some fun. There were many "Joe Marh is a son-of-a-bitch" toasts involved.

Oh yeah, if you don't know about the beerknurd program at the Flying Saucer, you have to drink 200 different beers to get a plate on the wall. Once you do, you get a $100 tab for a party with your friends. Each plate has a different color inside to denote how many plates you have earned. Thus the yellow for plate two.

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