Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Filtered vs. Unfiltered Beer

This was an entry in my beer of the day calendar:

Filtered vs. Unfiltered Beer
In ancient times, people used straws to drink beer so that they could avoid the sediment at the bottom of the vessel the beer was fermented in. Today, that inconvenience is avoided by filtering beer. The level of filtration may vary from rough (simply removing sediment) to sterile, in which even color and body may be removed.
Unfiltered beers have more nutrients (especially B vitamins), smaller carbonation bubbles, and stronger colors. Filtered beers can add taste and nutrients by reintroducing some yeast particles after filtration.
Some wheat beers and ales are unfiltered, giving them a distinctive cloudy look. The vast majority of beer varieties today are filtered.

So, drink some unfiltered beer for the nutrients ... making it a health drink!

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