Saturday, June 28, 2014

“Fizzy, Yellow Beer” Is Not Your Enemy

I read an article at titled, '“Fizzy, Yellow Beer” Is Not Your Enemy'.  The paragraph that really made think was:

So what is the core ideal of the craft beer revolution? It’s the idea that beer lovers should have the freedom to make their own purchasing decisions, from the largest variety of beers available, with as much information as possible about the companies who make the beer.

As craft beer drinkers, we often make fun of and scoff at the major commercial beer brands.  Yet, for myself, I will drink those beers when there isn't a better option available or at a location where the commercial beer is a much better value.

It is because of the giant beer companies that there are large distributors who also will carry the other smaller beer brands.  We get craft beer from around the country because they already have the resources to make it happen.  We wouldn't have Founders beer in Texas otherwise.

Enjoy your craft beers! Have some fun with your friends who enjoy the major commercial beers, but don't alienate them over their choice. After all, drinking good beer is SO much better with friends.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with that! Cheers, Friend. Enjoyed hanging out this past couple of weeks.
