Sunday, June 16, 2013

All American Badge

If you follow the blog with any regularity, you know I am on Untappd.  I have become a total badge junkie now.  One of the badges is called the "All American" badge.  To earn it you must drink: Coors Light, Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors, Budweiser, Miller High Life and one of the Bud Platinum beers.  On Saturday night, I had a Miller Lite which earned me the light badge and put me "in sight" of the All American badge.  So, I went to my local bar called "A Step Up Lounge" and finished off the badge.

Interestingly, the order of beers I drank turned out to be interesting.  It was: Coors, Budweiser and Miller High Life. Each beer had more of a hops flavor as I went along.  I am not saying that Miller High Life is a hop monster ... or even rates on the craft beer hop continuum.  But, there is slightly more hops in each beer.

So, if you are stuck drinking American commercial beers, try a Miller High Life.  You won't be impressed, but it is the "better" bad choice :)

1 comment:

  1. I had a Coors last night, putting me within one beer of the All American badge. I think there are more than 7 beers that qualify for the badge. I have 6 towards the badge, but have not checked into Budweiser or High Life, but I have had a Bud Light Platinum and an MGD.

    I just got my "Master" badge at 200 unique beers.
