Monday, February 11, 2019

Beer And Travel

Two things I love: beer and travel.  It's even better when I can combine the two!

A recent visit to Belgium really overwhelmed.  The sheer number of unimaginably great beers caused several Pepto/Excedrin/coffee/extra water/greasy food mornings.  But it was totally worth it!

Upcoming in March is a trip to New Orleans.  We were there a couple of years ago, but it seems at least three new breweries have opened since then.  Not to mention a need to revisit several good restaurants and tap houses while we're there.

This year we'll also visit Ireland (duh on good beers), France, Portugal, Spain, England, Canada, Africa, Argentina, and Chile.  Soooo many beers.  And I'm willing to volunteer my services to seek out as many new and interesting ones so long as my liver will let me!

Cheers to beer and traveling!

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