Saturday, July 17, 2010

Something to Look For and Forward To

So I'm surfing Flying Saucer's site and notice on their calendar that Tap Night August 26th is Mikkeller Chipotle Porter.  Good God! 

Beer Advocate reviewers say:

A: Pours a deep black with a huge white head that slowly fades leaving a ton of lacing on the glass. Probably the best looking porter I've ever seen.

S: The nose is full of cocoa and milk chocolaty aromas. I can also detect a slight hop presence in the background.
T: Taste is chocolate malts, milk chocolate, dark fruits, slight hops in the background, and on the finish you can taste a bit of the heat and spiciness from the peppers. You can feel the pepper heat on your tongue and lips get hotter and hotter as you drink this.
M: The feel is creamy and relatively thick with a good amount of carbonation.
D: This is one tasty porter. With the huge amount of flavors and the thick mouthfeel it's amazing this is just a 6.6% beer. Drinking one of these in a night will probably be enough though.

Although one guy said he didn't really like it as a drinking beer, but seriously thought about using it as a marinade!

Let's see...a spicy dark beer.  Hmmmm...sounds right up my alley!  I am soooo going to start looking for this to get a taste before the tap. 

On another note, Joe and I shared a Pauwel Kwak last night.  Delicious!  A Strong Belgian Ale that's a perfect example of why I like Strong Belgian Ales so tastes like liquid caramel apples.  A great one to sip and enjoy for a good long time.

1 comment:

  1. I dunno . . . I kind of like my chipotle delivered by other vehicles--like pork. Just don't know about drinking it. May I try a sip of yours?
