Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sammy Needs a Beer

We love the TV show Burn Notice.  And one of the things we love the most is the character Sam Axe, played to perfection by Bruce Campbell.  And one of the many things we love about Sam is that Sam is never so busy playing wing man for Michael or keeping Fi from blowing up half of Miami that he can't stop for a cold one.  He once gave Michael a 5-pack for his birthday-is that friendship or what?  He even remembered the stick-on bow! 

Sammy had to have been an original Parrothead.  He was probably the prototype.

So on our beer-swilling, stuff-your-face vacation across Central and Coastal Bend Texas this last week, we've adopted a new slogan for ourselves: "Sammy Needs a Beer." Says it all--suitable for any occasion, any audience, any time.  Cause there are so many occasions when Sammy needs a beer, and we have pledged to each other that we will invoke the spirit of Sammy early and often.

So today, Sammy decided to take a field trip to Spec's to make a couple of purchases and find out what all the fuss is about with this Allagash Four. 

And you wanna know what Sammy found out?  Spec's guy told Sammy that Allagash Four is over, finito, done.  Allagash has left the building.  If you ain't already got it, you ain't gonna git it.  Those party-poopers up in Portland, ME aren't making any more.  What, they ran out of hops?  No Allagash Four for Sammy.

So we're at this very moment sampling an Allagash White.  Nice, but not inspiring us to poetry or purple prose or religious epiphanies.

Damn!  I was looking forward to a religious epiphany.  I know how the Reverend loves those.

Guess we'll nurse our wounds with a Young's Double Chocolate Stout float.  And maybe some more ribs at Salt Lick.


  1. Well that sucks the big one. Muffin and I were talking just last night about trying to find some. I'll check here in Dallas...maybe the Majestic has a stash. If they do, I'll make space in the beer fridge for Sammy.

  2. Religious epiphanies are best when they come in beer form :) Or tequila form!!
