Friday, June 18, 2010

Sharin' a Dead Guy

Joe and I are sharin' a Dead Guy this evening.  No.  Really.  ;-) 

Rogue's Dead Guy Ale is a misnomer.  Dead Guy isn't an ale at all.  It's actually a Maibock, a kind of bock beer, and bocks are actually lagers.  Go figure.  Maibocks tend to be lighter in color than traditional bocks and have a significant hop character and noticeable alcohol (between 6 and 8% abv)...that's what makes it sooo good.  Maibocks usually are served in the spring and are brewed in celebration of and alongside festivals in the month of May.  Thankfully Dead Guy is year round.

It pours a beautiful dark orange color with a little cloudiness.  Caramel is prominent with maybe a little raisin in the background.  Good carbonation but a velvety feel.  Heavens.  A totally enjoyable beer. 

I'm still on the prowl for Allagash.  It's the weekend and I've got a car and money.

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