Sunday, August 8, 2010

Almost A Master of the Universe

As of today, Joe and I are 20 beers away from our first plate in the Ring of Honor at the Flying Saucer.


We started our quest to drink 200 different beers in March of 2008.  At first, we were very casual about it.  We went once in March, once in April, then didn't have another Saucer beer until September! Oh, I'm sure we were drinking on our own, but we didn't really start frequenting the FS until January of 2009.  So, I suppose we could have reached 200 long ago, if we'd been paying attention. 

Now we're down to 20, and we're going again, 17 by this evening.

See, we're on a mission.  The Sammys are coming to town the 27th, so we're hoping to hit 200 either while they're here (so we can celebrate) or before (so we can claim our $200 toast...and celebrate).  Six more times in the next three weeks.  Yes! We Can!

The best part about drinking all this beer is that I, well, both of us, have really learned a lot about it.  We've hosted a tasting.  We've got all of our friends trying new things.  We're exercising our sense of smell and taste, and learning to describe what's going on in our mouths.   We're sort of all in this together: us, the Reverend, the Sammys...and you can bet everyone else we know when they get wind that we have a $200 toast to spend.

The downside is the extra weight we've ended up carrying around.  I was bemoaning the tonnage to the Rev, saying that, other than an extraordinary amount of beer consumption (both at the Saucer, at home and every other chance we get), we really haven't changed anything else in our diet.  So, it's either the beer or age that's getting the best of our waistlines (and I refuse to accept that second reason...I'm sure Joe does, too).

Bottom line?  It's been fun.  It's been educational.  It's been social.  It's been interesting.  It's been a blast.  And, yeah, we're soooo doing it again.


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