Thursday, September 23, 2010

I So Need a Job at Specs

Actually, I'd be happy if we just had a Specs in Dallas.  Specs is this gigantic beer, wine and spirits store.  They also have wonderful fresh deli, gourmet foods and awesome snacks.  There's a really great one in Houston just outside of downtown.  And I went there today.

I must confess, I went on a spree.  I hit the mother lode right off the bat.  Three, count 'em, three, bottles of Allagash 4.  Can I get an AMEN!  Next, I found Left Hand Oktoberfest (which I had just sampled at the Houston Flying Saucer)...yippee!  Then there was the Breckenridge Autumn...can't wait to try that.  And I couldn't resist the Flyin' Dog Gonzo (Hunter S. Thompson) Imperial Stout, or the Des Chutes Obsidian Porter.  I'm gonna need a bigger beer fridge.

Of course I struck up a conversation with the beer guy, and we exchanged recommendations.  We talked about our mutual love of seasonal beers: Oktoberfests, pumpkin ales, autumn browns.  He asked me if I wanted a job there.

Oh, hell, yes!!

1 comment:

  1. You can talk beer with anybody, which makes you a great candidate to sell beer. Especially at a specialty beer store!!
