Friday, October 29, 2010

Jack's Pumpking Spice :(

This beer sounds like it should be fantastic. I read some reviews before it was tapped at the Addison Flying Saucer on Thursday. The reviews weren't very good and sadly, they were accurate. The first sip you take will be the most flavor you get. Within a few sips, it degraded to the flavor of sawdust.
There are so many good pumpkin beers out there, don't waste your time with this one

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Must Confess I Love a Road Trip

This time it's to San Antonio.  I have to go for work, and I have to go on Saturday.  The good news is I'll have quite a bit of downtime Saturday and most of Sunday.  Riverwalk here I come, right?  Well...

I've been to San Antonio several times.  Make that many.  Sammy and I went once and tried to take the Alamo.  (I'm not sure in whose name, but they did ask us to get down from the wall.)  I went with my mom and dad to the World's Fair there in 1968.  The fair was the reason they built that sky needle (the Tower of the Americas).  I've eaten on the riverboat that serves Tex-Mex dinner, I've performed on stage at Trinity University, I've driven the beer cart at La Cantera, and of course gotten drunk in the Rough Rider's bar at the Menger.  I've pretty much done San Antonio.

BUT...I haven't been to their Flying Saucer or to the Specs just outside of SA in Live Oak (not where the Live Oak Brewery is).  And y'all know how I am about Specs.  Oh, and the Saucer!

The Reverend is a bit of a geek, and he wrote a program that will take the beers at any Saucer (other than our home Saucer in Addison) and then tell you which ones are unique.  In other words, he can tell me what beers I can get at the San Antonio Saucer that I can't get in Addison.  Sweet!! 

Anyway, I'm sure I'll have much to report this weekend!  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Affligem Blonde

I came to the Flying Saucer for glass night. Tonight's glass is a ceramic mug with Hoffbrau Oktoberfest beer. I have to come early to get a table. So, that means I have to drink a couple of beers before the 7PM release time.

Sometimes, when I am at loss for what to order, I start at the top of my "beers not tasted" list. So, I started with Affligem Blonde. I was a bit put off because $$$$ follows the beer description. At one time, this may have been an expensive beer, but it is the normal price of $4.75. I was pleasantly surprised at the bready and sweet flavor of the beer. Here is a description:
One of Belgiums oldest abbeys, Affligem began brewing beer in 1129. Cloudy, golden colour with a thin, yet lasting head. This classic abbey ale finds a nice balance between the sweetness of fruit and the spiciness of a Belgian white beer. The nose is of ripe apples, peaches, and honey with a bready undertone, with a subtly sweet flavor of fruit, honey, and spice. 7% abv.
Looking for a nice beer? Give this one a shot!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ah! Allagash 4

So, you'll recall that I bought three bottles of Allagash 4 at Specs in Houston.  They've been resting comfortably in our beer fridge since my return.  Saturday, we had a little party to help make space in said fridge for the soon-to-be-released winter warmers that are just around the corner.  (Actually, Joe said I couldn't buy anymore beer because we didn't have any room for diet coke.)  So we offered up our collection to a group of friends, ordered pizza and had a great time.

The highlight of the evening was cracking open one of those bottles of Allagash.  I got out our tasting glasses and poured a healthy shot for all seven of us. 

OMG.  I'd forgotten its sweetness.  Its thick, honey mouthfeel.  Its delicious alcohol warmth.  Its heavenly vanilla/caramel color.  Its addictiveness. 

We all savored our pour, rolling the luscious liquid around in our mouths and licking our lips.  We each upended our glass until the last little drop slid down and hinged perilously on the rim before leaping, finally, into our mouths.  I thought about licking the inside of the glass.

I was sad when my glass was empty...but glad for the find and happy, no, delighted, that I have two more bottles in the fridge.  And, thanks to our friends, more room for soda.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dogfish Head Theobroma

I missed the tap at the Addison Flying Saucer on Thursday. It was Dogfish Head Theobroma. I was surprised it was still available on Friday when I stopped in. What is that you ask? Here is a description from Beer Advocate:

Theobroma, or "food of the gods," is brewed with Aztec cocoa powder and cocoa nibs from Askinosie Chocolate, honey, ancho chilies, and annatto. The recipe is based on chemical analysis of pottery fragments found in Honduras, which scientists claim is the earliest known alcoholic chocolate drink.

How interesting does that sound?? I had huge expectations and was disappointed. Apparently, I am not the only one. There are many poor reviews on the Beer Advocate page:

It isn't bad, I just don't taste ANY of the flavors they noted. It is 9%-10% ABV, so you can't complain about that. For the money, there are just better beers out there.

Oh well, it is all about education and experience. It is better to have drunk and been disappointed, than not to have drunk at all. Well, perhaps that isn't the REAL quote, but it is apropo!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mikkeller Chipotle Porter ... Chipotle? Really?

The Flying Saucer in Addison was scheduled to tap Mikkeller Chipotle Porter a month ago, but there was a tap malfunction and they rescheduled to the last Thursday in September. I have been waiting a month for this beer. And it was good and worth the wait. It came out brownish black with a beautiful creamy brown head. It smelled of prune and tasted great ... except, I didn't taste any chipotle. According to the reviews, the chipotle flavor was supposed to come through at the end. Scott even tasted it, but not me. It is a great porter that borders on being a stout, but sadly, for me, there was no chipotle.