Monday, October 11, 2010

Ah! Allagash 4

So, you'll recall that I bought three bottles of Allagash 4 at Specs in Houston.  They've been resting comfortably in our beer fridge since my return.  Saturday, we had a little party to help make space in said fridge for the soon-to-be-released winter warmers that are just around the corner.  (Actually, Joe said I couldn't buy anymore beer because we didn't have any room for diet coke.)  So we offered up our collection to a group of friends, ordered pizza and had a great time.

The highlight of the evening was cracking open one of those bottles of Allagash.  I got out our tasting glasses and poured a healthy shot for all seven of us. 

OMG.  I'd forgotten its sweetness.  Its thick, honey mouthfeel.  Its delicious alcohol warmth.  Its heavenly vanilla/caramel color.  Its addictiveness. 

We all savored our pour, rolling the luscious liquid around in our mouths and licking our lips.  We each upended our glass until the last little drop slid down and hinged perilously on the rim before leaping, finally, into our mouths.  I thought about licking the inside of the glass.

I was sad when my glass was empty...but glad for the find and happy, no, delighted, that I have two more bottles in the fridge.  And, thanks to our friends, more room for soda.

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